Wow I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I joined Newgrounds! Feels like yesterday when I was asking a ton of dumb questions here to know how to navigate this site.
I just want to say Ever since I’ve been here I’ve noticed such great improvement with my art and it’s all thanks to you guys for giving me great feedback, and advice.
I also just want to say I absolutely love the collaborative nature of this site and it’s given me great opportunity to create something with a ton of other creatives. As of right now I’m currently working on a few collabs (not gonna say which ones tho that’s a secret and you guys have to be patient).
It’s also pretty crazy to think that I have almost 80 people following me and in a year no less. I remembered when I first started out on Insta and it took me nearly 2 years just to hit more than 50 followers. And even now with me starting on Twitter (yes I know Twitter sucks) it’s pretty rough to get people to engage with my art. But to those that follow me, again thank you so much!
I have a few plans for this account as I do want to start doing some game development and some animations here. Mind you that will take a while as I’m pretty rusty when it comes to both mediums.
anyways this is starting to get pretty long, and I should really finished my art fight attacks lol. And I know I sound like a broken record but thank you all, truly.